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Using Multimedia in Freeway

Typical types of Plug-In content




Java Applets

Using Plug-In content in Freeway

Using custom Parameters for Plug-in content

Using Multimedia in Freeway
(Plug-In content)

Some of the most exciting pages on the Web use multimedia elements, such as sound, movies or animation to great effect. If you have multimedia elements which you wish to display on the Web, you can add them to your page in Freeway in the same way as adding text or graphics, by creating boxes on the page to hold them.

Such multimedia content could be created by a wide variety of different programs - some are listed below - but all are related by the fact that to display them correctly, the Web browser requires additional software. The additional software is usually available in Plug-In format, and simply consists of a file which has to be dropped into the Plug-Ins folder in the browser's application folder, and is loaded the next time the browser is launched.

Because of this, we refer to multimedia content in Freeway as Plug-In content.

NOTE - In version 1.0 of Freeway, Plug-In content cannot be previewed in place on the page, but must be previewed in a Web browser with the appropriate plug in installed.

When playing back certain kinds of content, such as QuickTime, you can specify additional parameters to control how it displays. See below for more information on this.

If you use plug-in content on your Web page, it is generally a good idea to let the visitor know what they are going to encounter on the page BEFORE it occurs, so that they can decide in advance if they wish to view it. Often, such content comes in quite large files, which can be frustrating to view over a slow connection.

Many types of content also require far more RAM than the browser normally needs in order to play back correctly, and some people find that for no apparent reason, certain types of content create instability on their system.

It is essential that if you use plug-in content, you inform the visitor what software they require in order to view it, and provide links to somewhere they can obtain that software (such as the relevant manufacturer's site). Unless you do this, you risk causing the visitor extreme annoyance and frustration, which they are liable to let you know about in no uncertain terms!

It is nice, though not essential, to offer an alternative version of the page, perhaps in graphic format, for people who either lack the plug-in or the required system resources, or great enough connection speed to view the plug-in content correctly.

Typical types of Plug-In content


QuickTime is the most common way of creating movie content for multimedia and the Web. Applications like Adobe Premiere are used to digitize video and edit it, then save it in the QuickTime format. QuickTime is also sometimes used for exporting animations created in 3D modelling programs. Both the major browsers come with default plug-ins for displaying QuickTime, but also require that the QuickTime system software is installed on the host computer.

QuickTime movies may comprise both sound and pictures, or just sound, or just pictures, and are normally identified by having ".QT" at the end of the filename.

The other movie format encountered less often is Windows AVI.


Shockwave is perhaps the most common way of displaying animation on the Web, and comes in two forms, Director and Flash. Shockwave is a proprietary standard developed and maintained by Macromedia, and you can create Shockwave elements using either their Director, Flash or FreeHand products. To display Shockwave, visitors must download the appropriate plug-in from the Macromedia Web site ( There are two plug-ins, one for Director Shockwave only, and one which handles both Director and Flash Shockwave. Flash is new technology, formerly named FutureSplash before it was acquired by Macromedia, and uses vector technology to create streamed, compact animations which run fast and download quickly. Director is one of the industry leading multimedia authoring environments, and is used to create many of the presentations found on CD-ROM titles. It has been around for longer than Flash, and uses raster information rather than vector. This means that animations in Director tend to be much larger than Flash animations, and may take a good bit longer to download.


Adobe Acrobat is a format used for creating and transferring electronic documents, and is probably the most widely known and accepted of such formats. Electronic documents are created as PDF (Portable Document Format) files using special software from Adobe, and can be transferred via the Web for viewing and printing locally. To view or print a PDF file, you require the Acrobat Reader software, which is freely available from Adobe's Web site, as well as being distributed with CD-ROMs and software products. PDF files are not typical Plug-In content, as they are not suitable for importing into boxes in Freeway pages, but can be linked to from a Freeway page. If the visitor has Acrobat Reader 3.0 installed and configured correctly, the PDF can be downloaded and viewed directly within their browser window - the Reader temporarily adds the Acrobat navigation controls to the browser display, and PDF documents can incorporate hypertext links so as to allow the visitor to continue browsing elsewhere rather than forcing them to retrace their steps.

In addition, if the PDF was created with Acrobat 3.0, it may be set to be streamed so that the visitor doesn't have to wait for the whole file to finish downloading before they begin to view it.

See the section on Hypertext links to find out how to link to external files such as PDF.

Java Applets

Java is a programming language which is platform independent. This means the same program file (or "Java Applet") will run on any computer or browser which has Java capability - this now includes many MacOS compatible, Windows and UNIX computers, although some additional software is often required to run Applets with a Web browser, and only a few browsers support Java currently.

It is worth noting that to execute Java Applets requires a great deal of system resource on the visitor's machine, and some browsers ship with the Java support disabled by default. If the Applet fails to run for any reason, the visitor may just be left looking at a blank grey box on their screen with no explanation of what has gone wrong.

Some system administrators prevent their users running Java applets for security reasons, or configure their Firewalls to forbid Java applets running on a user's machine to access anything outside. Either of these may prevent the successful execution of your Java Applet

Using Plug-In content in Freeway

To import a Multimedia element into Freeway, draw a rectangular box using either the HTML or GIF box drawing tool, then while it is selected choose Import from the File menu.

Freeway does not know in advance which of the myriad types of multimedia files you may need to import, and so displays all available files in the dialog regardless of whether it recognizes their type, even applications.

Select the file you wish to import and click OK. If the file you select cannot be identified as a graphic, it will be imported as Plug-in content.

In the box in Freeway you will see the plug-in icon, and a description of the location of the file. When you Publish the site, the file you specified will be copied into the Publish folder.

If the file you imported can be identified as a Java Applet, you will see the Applet icon and a description of the location of the file. Most Java Applets come in the form of several files, all of which are required. Only the selected file will be copied to the Publish folder, so you must be sure to copy the others by hand as well.

Because Freeway cannot display the file in situ, it is difficult to know what size to make the box in order to display the content fully. With Director Shockwave and QuickTime files, for example, if the box is smaller than the element, it will play in the browser clipped to the size of the box. For best results, you need to know the dimensions of the area the content occupies in pixels, and use these values to size the box accurately in Freeway using the Inspector Palette.

Using custom Parameters for Plug-in content

Certain formats allow the way the content plays back to be customized using extra commands, called parameters. You can add these using the Plug-in panel in the Inspector palette. Parameters are specified as Name/Value pairs.

The parameters available depend on the format concerned.

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